Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Travel Tuesdays with not_luna_lovegood #5

Hello and welcome to Travel Tuesdays! I'm not_luna_lovegood and this will be my last Travel Tuesdays until December. And SURPRISE! I still have severe writer's block! I've actually been looking forward to this day because I have more than a few ideas for Whatever Wednesdays and not very many for Travel Tuesdays. So today I will be talking about a trip to Chicago, Illinois that I barely remember because it happened a long time ago!

We went to Chicago with my grandparents and I'm pretty sure we stayed there for about four days. One of the first things I remember doing there was going to the Rainforest Cafe. If you're familiar with the Rainforest Cafe, you know that there are these robotic animals all around the restaurant that scared me half to death when I was little. But nowadays, I probably would have found them kind of cool. I also held a snake there! I remember being really scared at first but it wasn't that bad.

The Rainforest Cafe

Another restaurant I remember visiting is the Cheesecake Factory (my current favorite restaurant), but I only remember the visit because I was being very whiny because I didn't like anything off the menu (I used to be a vegetarian).

The Cheesecake Factory

When I was little, I used to LOVE American Girl dolls, so we went to the American Girl Place. It was definitely my favorite part of the trip then! The thing I remember most is when I got my picture taken with the Girls of the Year. I remember it because it turned out to be disastrous! There was this girl who kept staring at me because I wasn't cooperating and the naive, six-year-old version of me kept on thinking she wanted to be my friend when she was probably thinking, "What a whiny little brat". Now that I think back on that memory, I realize that she was probably right!

The American Girl Place

Another place we went to was the Shedd Aquarium, and it was awesome. I want to go there again because I love the ocean! The beluga whales (you know, the white ones?) were my favorite part. I even got a beluga plushie there to remember my trip. I do wonder if they had narwhals there, though. I love narwhals!

On the left is the Shedd Aquarium and on the right is a beluga whale plushie (I chose not to do a real picture of a beluga whale because to be honest, the real ones I found on Google Images are slightly terrifying!)

And that's all I remember from my trip to Chicago! I know what you're thinking: I used to be a whiny brat back then. And you're right. But in my defense, I was like six when this happened! That's a wrap for Travel Tuesdays with not_luna_lovegood and I will see you next week Wednesday for Whatever Wednesdays!


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