Thursday, July 24, 2014

Throwback Thursday and Quidditch_Turtle

Hey everyone! This week, I too am having writer's block, but I just want to start out by saying it was my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary this past Saturday (it was actually just the party, their real anniversary is August 8th), but I thought I'd throw that out their to give them some publicity and I thought I was Throwback-ish enough. Congrats, guys!

*after a few hours, some other ideas that failed, and asking mom for help*

Okay, I've thought of something! I am going to list the most popular boy and girl baby names of the 21st century. Idea, don't fail me now!!

2000- Boy: Michael   Girl: Hannah

2001- Boy: Jacob      Girl: Emily

2002- Boy: Jacob      Girl: Emily (Again!)

2003- Boy: Jacob      Girl: Emily (My source is rigged)

2004- Boy: Jacob      Girl: Emma

2005- Boy: Aiden      Girl: Emma

2006- Boy: Aiden      Girl: Emma

2007- Boy: Aiden      Girl: Sophia

2008- Boy: Aiden      Girl: Emma

2009- Boy: Aiden      Girl: Isabella

2010- Boy: Aiden      Girl: Sophia

2011- Boy: Aiden      Girl: Sophia

2012- Boy: Aiden      Girl: Sophia

2013- Boy: Jackson   Girl: Sophia

2014- Boy: Liam        Girl: Olivia

Some of these probably aren't accurate (obviously), but I just chose a website and used it. I hope this post was somewhat interesting, and I apologize if it wasn't because I was having, like, SEVERE  writer's block. I'll do better next week... I hope. Until then, Quidditch_Turtle, siging out!

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