Thursday, July 3, 2014

Throwback Thursday with Quidditch_Turtle

Hello everyone, and welcome to Throwback Thursday with Quidditch_Turtle! Bare with me on this one, cuz I'm not so sure that I'm going to be good at this...

This week, I will be talking about women's fashion from each decade of the 1900's. I'm not really into fashion that much, but I couldn't think of anything else to post about, so here goes nothin!

  1. The 1910's
The ladies of this decade wore long skirts and very outspoken hats...

2. The 1920's 

A lot of women I saw in pictures had short hair and caps that were fitting to their head and simple, Mary Jane-like shoes, like the ones featured in this photo.

3. The 1930's

Most women of the 30's wore skirts or dresses that fell long past their knees.

4. The 1940's

In this time period they wore knee-high dresses, most of which had a v-shaped neckline.

5. The 1950's
In this decade, people decided to be more glamorous, so a lot of women wore white or black gloves and poofier dress skirts than usual. This was also the time of Marilyn Monroe, if you didn't already know that.

6. The 1960's
Personally, I think that there was a big leap in terms of fashion from the 50's to the 60's. All of a sudden there was a TON of color and pattern, and women wore more than just dresses. A lot of women rolled their hair at the bottom, like the ones in the second picture.

7. The 1970's
Welcome to the era of bell-bottoms, tall boots, short dresses, and afros, also known as the Disco era. Fashion from the 70's screams fun and games, and really, how can you go wrong with a night of hitting the dance floor under a disco ball ?

8. The 1980's
I have one word to describe the 80's: Big. And especially hair. You'll see in the pictures. I know this post is about women's fashion, but I just had to include the second picture. Men were just as up to date as women were with the latest trends!

And last but not least-
9. The 1990's
From what I saw in pictures, there were a lot of jeans that were worn in this time. There was also a lot of over-sized clothing worn for I have no idea what reason. Maybe they just thought it was "cool" I guess.

Well, that's all for now, hope you enjoyed the first Throwback Thursday post by me, Quidditch_Turtle! Until next week!

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