Friday, July 18, 2014

Hey guys, CHUCKLES here and today I will be doing all about Fandoms. I know a lot of you know what a Fandom is but some people, my mother for example, really don't know what a Fandom is.  So here we go.

First of all a Fandom is a group of people that all really like or obsess over something in common (this is most often a book, T.V. show, or a movie). Usually these people are usually called something, for example, Harry Potter: Potterheads or Doctor Who:Whovians. Overall a person in a Fandom is called a Fangirl/boy. But Fangirl is most commonly used.

Now some people think Fangirls are stupid and brainless and sometimes slightly scary like some Fandoms generally are.
*clears throat*
But there really are two types of Fangirls:
The actually brainless ones, features: overreacting and being generally obnoxious every time they see something that has to do with their Fandom.
The decent ones, features: cracks simple jokes to their friends about it and smiles to themselves when they see something that relates to their Fandom.

At times I do fall into both of these categories. And it's fine to be in both of these categories but just saying some people may not like it. The reason why I can do it is because I have the reputation of a snail at my school. But generally I am very wacky so I guess they should suspect it. What I am trying to say is go be wacky and weird at home and keep it away from the idiots at school that judge people like us.

Here is an example of an overreacting yet decent Fangirl: My Friends and I were sitting in Language one day and since our Language teacher loves Harry Potter she likes to make Harry Potter references. Evidently me and my friends all sat in one corner of the room at the time. So our teacher puts a Harry Potter page up on the Smart board and started talking about line breaks on that page. So she has it up and right away Quidditch_turtle, Banana_elephant, and I start freaking out silently in the corner because it is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.
Sometimes I really wonder about my friends and I.

So guys that is probably the best explanation I can give you. See ya next week! And happy Fangirling!

1 comment:

  1. The other day I saw a video about the top 10 fandoms and I decided to read the comments section because I was curious to see what other people thought the best fandom was (I personally think it's the Harry Potter fandom, aka Potterheads, but that's just me). I was reading the comments, and I ended up feeling really depressed. Everybody kept on saying stuff like, "All fandoms are stupid", "Fandoms are the cancer of the Internet", "Fandoms must die", you get where I'm going. I'm a proud fangirl, so this really made me mad. I just don't get what's wrong with a bunch of people finding other people who love the same thing they love and expressing their love for that thing.

