Monday, July 7, 2014

Instrumental, Pop Music, and Repeating Songs! Brought to you by Banana_elephant

I honestly had no idea what I was going to post today, so whatever follows will be random stuff about my relationship with music.

As you may know if you read my first post, I'm a writer. I really like writing epic things like science fiction and I'm trying to get into history mysteries. Sometimes I get really stuck and I just don't know what to write. When this happens I generally turn to one of my favorite YouTube videos, which I will put a link to. It really inspires me to write, and using music in this way actually is how I found some of my favorite instrumental songs like Adagio in D Minor. I also found one of my favorite artists (? I think???) Audiomachine because of this video. I love their music and how inspirational it is. It's epicness level is super high and is currently making me type really fast lol. Audiomachine and Murray Gold are my favorite composers when it comes to modern instrumental, but I also like Hans Zimmer and Trevor Rabin. Generally I actually listen to instrumental more than any other kind of music, and this probably would surprise you if you knew me.

6 Hours of The Best Inspirational Music

One of my favorite parts of Pop Culture is the music, but most of all the boy bands. I love Big Time Rush, they're my favorite boy band out there. Just listening to their songs make my day feel so much brighter and happier.
One Direction is also one of my favorites because I like how the boys act around each other. I don't understand the hate towards them, I mean seriously. Most of the hate is because they're really mainstream, but we're not all hipsters, are we? (Sorry if that last comment offended anyone.)

I also listen to 5th Harmony, which is not a boy band (obviously). I listened to them for a little while when they first started their official music career, and I started to listen to them again. 5 Seconds of Summer I guess is a boy band, but I really don't consider them to be seeing how they're more punk than pop (even though their genre is considered punk-pop or whatever). Almost constantly I have She Looks so Perfect stuck in my head, and I find that hilarious for some odd reason.

Okay, hands down my favorite soundtracks are the LotR and Doctor Who tracks. I seriously love them so much, especially the songs The Fellowship, Concerning Hobbits, Doomsday, and I am the Doctor. Even though they are my favorite soundtracks, my favorite soundtrack song is Ben/National Treasure Theme. If you've never heard it, I'll insert a link to it below. Listening to it just makes me feel so good, and so adventurous.
Ben/National Treasure Theme

This is one thing that really annoys me about music though. You know when you really like a song, so you buy it? Then you listen to it three million times? Then if you hear it again you want to bang your head on a wall for three hours?
Yeah that is like on my Pet Peeves Top 10 list. It bothers me so much, because I can really like a song and then BOOM nope.
I know this has to happen to everyone.

Thank you for bearing with me, I wasn't quite sure what to talk about today. I'm also sorry if some of that was gibberish, I sorta got really into the music I'm listening to.

1 comment:

  1. I totally get where you're coming from with your pet peeve. That has happened to me so many times it's not even funny. UGH!!!!

