Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Travel Tuesdays with not_luna_lovegood #1

Hello, it's not_luna_lovegood and I will be doing Travel Tuesdays for the month of July. I had originally said that I was going to do my first week on my adventures at a local amusement park, but I accidentally posted it to the site before Tuesday, so I deleted it and now it is gone forever. It took me quite a while to write that article and I will not be able to get it redone by today (sorry), so I will save it for sometime in the future. My first Travel Tuesday will be on places I have never been to, but would really like to visit!

One place I would really like to go to is Orlando, Florida. I love Disney and have always wanted to go to Disney World, so if I went to Orlando, I would spend a lot of time there. And as you already know, I adore anything and everything Harry Potter, so I would visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (at Universal Studios Orlando) as well.

Left, the Cinderella Castle at Disney World. Right, the real-life version of Hogwarts at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

I live in America and really love it here, but I have always wanted to visit another country. The country I want to visit most is France. I would love to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower in person! I would also want to try all the delicious-looking French food, like creme brulee, eclair, and a baguette!

A rather pretty picture of the Eiffel Tower.

Another country I would like to visit is Australia. My grandmother recently went there and she said it was amazing! I would love to go snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef (where Finding Nemo, my favorite movie of all time, takes place) and visit the Sydney Opera House (my definition of a beautiful-looking building).

The Sydney Opera House at night. If you don't think that's a beautiful-looking building, I will give you multiple reasons why you are wrong.

I think it would be really cool to go to New York City. If the Brick Wall team were to go on a trip to anywhere we wanted, and if I were to pick where we would go, I would pick New York. I would love to go exploring around Manhattan with my fellow Brick Wall bloggers during the day and catch a Broadway show at night!

On the left is the Manhattan skyline at night, and on the right is Broadway!

The last place I would like to visit is Hawaii! Cliche, I know, but who doesn't want to go there? I would love to relax on the beach with a good book, swim in the beautiful blue water, and maybe learn how to hula!

One of the Hawaiian Islands (I am not sure which). It's so pretty!

So those are my top 5 dream vacation spots! Where would you want to go on a vacation?


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