Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Travel Tuesdays with not_luna_lovegood #2

Hello, welcome to Travel Tuesdays, brought to you by not_luna_lovegood. Today I will be talking about a trip I took last year to Six Flags Great America, in Gurnee, Illinois!

The sign for Six Flags Great America.

Though there were a few things that happened that weren't that fun, overall, the trip was awesome! We got up early in the morning to drop my now-three-year-old (he was two at the time) brother at my grandma's house since he was too young to go to the park. Then we headed to the park!

The ride to the park wasn't that bad. It took us a couple hours to get there, and we stopped for breakfast on the way. We have this...thing (I have no idea how else to describe it) and it lets you hook an iPad to the back of a car seat so you can watch movies on the iPad. My brother and I watched Tangled, which I have seen at least a thousand times but it never gets old. When that was over, we just talked for a while until WE ARRIVED!

The first ride we were going to go on was the Whizzer, which you sit "tandem-style", whatever that means (I got that from Wikipedia). We were so excited to go on the coaster, but coincidentally, it broke down RIGHT BEFORE my family was going to go on. Perfect timing!

The Whizzer, which sadly, I didn't get to go on!

After the Whizzer broke down, we decided to go on the Demon. At first, I was a little worried since I had never been on a roller coaster with a loop before, but my mom told me that it was the first roller coaster she had been on and she liked it and that she knew I would as well. So my dad, nine-year-old brother (eight at the time) and I went on it and it was a total blast! When the ride began, I started to regret going on the coaster, but I ended up LOVING the ride! The best part was the corkscrews.

The Demon, which is one of my favorite roller coasters!

After that, I was going to go on the American Eagle with my brother and my dad, but my brother had to pee and I chickened out (I don't like big drops on roller coasters), so my dad went on it by himself. My mom took my brother and I exploring around the park (and yes, we did find a bathroom) while my dad rode the American Eagle.

The American Eagle, which I didn't go on.

When Dad was done with the American Eagle, the three of us met up with him and we decided to split up again. Mom took me and my brother on the trolley while Dad went on the X-Flight. The trolley took us on a tour all around the park and it was a nice, relaxing ride. Meanwhile, my dad said the X-Flight was one of his favorite roller coasters of all time, despite the fact that the day we went to Six Flags was the only time he had been on it.

The X-Flight, which my dad went on and loved!

After that, my brother, Dad, and I went on the Dark Knight coaster, which was awesome! I loved the waiting room, which made you feel like you were actually in Gotham City. The actual ride was really cool! You couldn't see where you would go next, which I really liked. I would definitely ride the Dark Knight again.

The entryway to the Dark Knight, which was awesome!

For our last ride, we all went on the double-decker carousel. We rode on the top layer, and it was so much more fun than a regular carousel! You got an awesome view of the park. It was a great way to end the amazing Great America experience.

On our way back, we stopped for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I had been there once before, but I was fairly small then so I don't remember it. I really, really loved it and I now consider it my favorite restaurant! I ordered Four Cheese Pasta, and it was actually my least favorite of what the family got since I tried a little of the rest of the family's entrees. My dad got BBQ Salmon, my mom got Chicken Madeira (I think that's what it was called) and my brother got BBQ Pulled Pork, and I liked all of those better than the Four Cheese Pasta, which was good nonetheless. But the best part was the Adam's Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Ripple cheesecake we got for dessert, which was insanely good! Overall, it was an amazing dinner.

The Cheesecake Factory, my favorite restaurant!

After we were done, we watched Finding Nemo, which, as you probably know by now, is my all-time favorite movie. Then, after an incredible day, we came home. My trip to Six Flags was such an amazing experience that I will never forget, and I highly recommend going there!


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