Friday, July 25, 2014

Hey guys! CHUCKLES here, today I will be doing a smaller but extremely cool fandom. The fandom I will be doing today is the Mew Mew Power fandom. How I got into it was Banana_elephant told me about this really cool anime show called Mew Mew Power so just out of curiosity (because you guys should know that I love a good anime!) I watched the first episode of the series. ... Absolutely horrible idea... I have now watched 17 episodes in 5 days. Yeah, so now I am obsessed with it. But anyways on to what this show is about.

Well, it is mostly about this girl named Zoey who finds out that she is a Mew Mew. Which means she is infused with an Iriomote Wildcat. That means she also has superpowers.With these superpowers she has to fight the cyniclons which are evil aliens. In order to be a Mew Mew she has to work at the Mew Mew cafe. The cafe is a cover-up for the Mew Mews secret base. While balancing the cyniclons and serving trays on her head she is falling in love with a boy named Mark. She tries to keep it a secret from him but he eventually finds out.

The main characters:
Zoey:  She is the leader of the Mew Mews and her power is strawberry-bell
Corina:  She is the second member of the group, her power is heart-arrow
Bridget:  Being the third member of the Mew Mews her power is combat-castanets
Kiki:  Member number 4 has the power of puring rings
Renee:  The last but not least member of the group her power is Zacross whip

Their mentors are Wesley and Elliot.

The cyniclons: 
Dren:  He is the first cyniclon to appear in the story
Tarb: He appears second in the story
Sardon: He appears third in the story

Here is a picture of the Mew Mews:

From left to right: Renee, Kiki, Bridget, Corina, and Zoey

Here are Wesley and Elliot:



The cyniclons:

From left to right: Sardon, Dren, and Tarb

So guys I guess I'll be seeing you next week, bye! Chao! Adios!

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