Friday, July 4, 2014

Hey Guys it's me CHUCKLES and it's my first Fandom Friday. Today I will be doing Thirteen Treasures by Michelle Harrison. I know that it isn't that big of a fandom but I knew not_Luna_ Lovegood wanted to do Harry Potter and I was gonna do that at first so I decicded to do this. And I am very happy about it.

First of all it is a trilogy and I only read the first one and just about half way through the second. My favorite character is probably Fabian, Warwick, or The Mad Morag. The reason why is because Fabian is kind of like me (I like to observe things and adventure), Warwick is very mysterious so he tends to make the plot interesting, and The Mad Morag... I really don't know why I like her.

The whole book is mostly about Fabian and Tanya (the main character) trying to find Morwenna Bloom and rescue her from the fairy realm. Morwenna Bloom had been brought into the fairy realm 50 years ago and her best friend was Tanya's grandma, Florence, and she had told Tanya about Morwenna Bloom.

Now I am going to tell you about the characters.

Tanya has the ability to see fairys and other magical creatures. Since she was born with the ability to see fairys she has a fairy gaurdian, Gredin.

Florence is Tanya's grandma and also has the second sight. Her gaurdian is Raven. Florence lives in Elvesden manor.

Fabian is Warwick's son his mother died when he was just a small child.

Warwick is Amos' son and is the current gamekeeper of Elvesden Manor. He hasn't the ability to see fairys but has a potion made by the Mad Morag so he can see them.

Amos is the old gamekeeper but still lives there with Warwick and Fabian. He was accused by many that he put Morwenna Bloom into the fairy realm.

Morwenna Bloom is a human trapped in the fairy realm until someone switches places with her.

I'm sorry you guys but if I go on I will reveal too much of the plot so if you want to know you'll have too read it. (Or look it up on wikipedia like Banana_Elephant did and she now refuses to read it because she doesn't think it looks like a very good book even though it is awesome.) So I will see you guys next week with Fandom Friday. Adios!

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