Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Travel Tuesdays with not_luna_lovegood #3 (aka I HATE WRITER'S BLOCK!)

Hello, welcome to Travel Tuesdays with not_luna_lovegood, and may I just say, I have absolutely no idea on what to write about. My family has been really busy lately because my brother is involved in baseball so we haven't gotten the chance to do any little trips, aside from little things like the mall and the zoo. I have writer's block, so I guess I will just show you some famous landmarks made out of Legos, because who doesn't like Legos (except for when you step on them, ouch!)?

The Eiffel Tower, located in Paris, France. You can actually buy a kit to make this!

The Great Pyramids of Giza, located near Cairo, Egypt. Too bad there isn't a Sphinx to go along with it.

The Taj Mahal, located in Uttar Pradesh, India. Just think of how much time and effort it would take to build this!

The Great Wall of China, located all over China. I found a lot of different designs for the Great Wall in Legos when I searched it on Google Images, but this is the most complicated and interesting to me.

The Acropolis, located in Athens, Greece. Look at the detail!

The Colosseum, located in Rome, Italy. This looks pretty realistic if you ask me.

The Statue of Liberty, located in New York City, United States. I also added the Statue of Liberty Lego person for no reason other than the fact that I wanted to.

Stonehenge, located in Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Another very realistic Lego monument.

Big Ben, located in London, United Kingdom. This is actually the one at the Legoland theme park in Windsor and I'm pretty sure it's not actually made of Legos. But it was too cool not to include, so that's why I put it here.

Which Lego monument is your favorite? Tell me in the comments below! That's it for this week's Travel Tuesdays, and I'll see you next Tuesday!


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