Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Welcome to a Special Travel Tuesday Post with Banana_elephant, CHUCKLES, Quidditch_Turtle, and our special guest host, Guest #6! Seeing how Mr. Rainbow hasn't posted in awhile, we'll do it for him. 
Last night we all got in the car and traveled long and far through the countryside to get to a place with neon lights and flying dragons. A giant fairie poster was seen anywhere you went. It took us all of twenty minutes and a few seconds to arrive! 
On the way there, with CHUCKLES in the front and the rest of us in the back, it was quite the adventure. Three of us stuffed into the back, whenever we'd go around a corner, Banana_elephant would always fall onto either Quidditch_Turtle or Guest #6.
It was a very close and unforgetable ride.
Thank you CHUCKLES for leaving us in the back to perish together in a very close siuation.

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