Monday, June 23, 2014

Music Mondays With not_luna_lovegood #4

Hello, welcome to Music Mondays with not_luna_lovegood! This is my last post for Music Mondays for awhile. Next time I have Music Mondays will be all the way in November! So I thought I would do a reflection of my first month with the Brick Wall. But first, since this IS Music Mondays after all, I am going to count down the top 10 songs on the Billboard Hot 100 for the week of June 28. 2014 and then I will do my reflection. Here is a link to the Billboard website where I get this information, and it also has links so you can listen, watch the videos for, and buy the songs.)

10. "Stay With Me" by Sam Smith (Same as last week. Last Week: 10. Peak on Chart: 10. Weeks on Chart: 10.)

9. "Summer" by Calvin Harris (Same as last week. Last Week: 9. Peak on Chart: 9. Weeks on Chart: 13.)

8. "Happy" by Pharrell Williams (Down 2 spots. Last Week: 6. Peak on Chart: 1. Weeks on Chart: 24.)

7. "Am I Wrong?" by Nico & Vinz (Up 1 spot. Last Week: 8. Peak on Chart: 6. Weeks on Chart: 9.)

6. "Turn Down For What" by DJ Snake & Lil Jon (Down 2 spots. Last Week: 4. Peak on Chart: 4. Weeks on Chart: 25.)

5. "Wiggle" by Jason Derulo ft. Snoop Dogg (Same as last week. Last Week: 5. Peak on Chart: 5. Weeks on Chart: 7.)

4. "All Of Me" by John Legend (Down 1 spot. Last Week: 3. Peak on Chart: 1. Weeks on Chart: 36.)

3. "Rude" by MAGIC! (Up 4 spots. Last Week: 7. Peak on Chart: 3. Weeks on Chart: 8.)

2. "Problem" by Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea (Same as last week. Last Week: 2. Peak on Chart: 2. Weeks on Chart: 7.)

1. "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea ft. Charli XCX (Same as last week. Last Week: 1. Peak on Chart: 1. Weeks on Chart: 15.)

So there you have it. There are no new entries to the top 10, the songs are the same songs from last week but in a different order. Now, time for my reflection on the blog!


It's my first month with the Brick Wall, and so far, I couldn't have been prouder with how everyone is doing, well, everyone except for me. Quidditch_Turtle, CHUCKLES, and Banana_elephant have been doing great with writing the articles that people want to read. As I write this, the Brick Wall is at 815 and counting page views, and that's just incredible to me, that people around the world are reading what my best friends and I have to say about the world we live in. I thank everyone who has supported the blog simply by just clicking on it! We appreciate every single one of our visitors!

But what about myself? At first, I thought I was doing a pretty good job, but then there was last week's edition of Music Mondays...and, well, I don't wanna talk about just look at that post to see what I mean. But other than that, I think I'm doing alright for my first month. I hope to improve as the months go on and on.

The most important lesson I learned from my experience on the blog is to stay positive! Nobody wants to read about somebody who's constantly negative, they want to read something happier. 

If I were to give some tips to somebody who wants to start their own blog, these would be my top five:

1. BE YOURSELF!!!!! Don't make up a new personality for yourself just to get popular. We changed our names at the Brick Wall because we don't want people to stalk us, but we're still the same people online as we are in reality. Being yourself is the most important thing to remember on the Internet.

2. Get a friend/multiple friends to co-own your blog! Whether it's 1, 100, or any number in between, I think it's a great idea to get others' help. They can give advice, help you come up with ideas, and you have less work to do, which is a big plus if you're really lazy. It also brings you closer with your friends. I wouldn't be half as close with my friends if we hadn't started the Brick Wall.

3. Try to talk about topics you know people like and/or interested in. If a lot of people you know enjoy reading, make a column about books! You'll get more visitors on your site that way,

4. Listen to your visitors' opinions. I'm not saying to let your fans dictate everything you say and do on the blog, but at least notify what your audience is saying!

5. Spread the word about your site- both online and off. We're living in a time where people are always on the Internet, so people will always want to know about cool sites to check out!

So there you have it: my last Music Mondays post until November! Next week, I'll be at Travel Tuesdays with a very fun and interesting story about our trip to a local amusement park! See you there!


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