Friday, June 20, 2014

Banana_elephant here again! Fandom Friday!

Hey, Banana_elephant here! Last week I did my Fandom Friday on the book Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. Today the subject I'll be discussing is the TV show House of Anubis that used to air on Teen Nick.

Warning: this post is not spoiler free!

I haven't seen any of season one, but I've seen almost the entire season two. The first time I actually got into watching it was a few weeks ago when the weekend marathon on Teen Nick was House of Anubis. Like any show you start watching after missing a few episodes, I was confused for a bit. What I really liked about it though was it didn't take me long to get what was going on. Here's my take on some of the characters (most of them really).

I think one of the first episodes I saw was when Mick (I think that's how you spell his name) left to go to Australia or something. Honestly I didn't like his character's attitude in the first place, but I felt bad for Mara.
I don't know why Mara and Joy were fighting (or was that Joy and Patrica...) but for almost the whole season Joy was such a jerk! The whole blog situation with Jack Jackal just made me so mad at Joy. When she posted the mean post about Nina she kinda deserved what she got.
When it comes to Jerome, I was so confused on whether he was a good guy or not. His character development was good and all, I just didn't get it because I hadn't been there for very long. Personally I think producers should make a character less complicated for newbies.
Even after the last episode of season three (The Touchstone of Ra) I didn't get what was going on between Patricia and Eddie. Even still re-watching the episode I'm still really confused. Relationship problems!
Amber was always making so many problems for the Sibunas. Whenever she was supposed to be quiet, she wasn't! Although her denseness was pretty funny sometimes, it still got to me. Especially in season two when she forgot to lock the closest, so Rufus got the dollhouse. That was what got me really mad at her.
Oh Alfie, he was hilarious. When the newbies came in The Touchstone of Ra and he dropped his marshmallow thing I was ROTFL. He was one of the more useful characters to the Sibunas if you ask me.
I really don't have much to say about Mara. I mean, she was a great character, but it wasn't like she's an annoying character either. She was that really nice character that just needs more credit.
Victor wad s very interesting character. If you know Doctor Who, he kinda looks like the War Doctor to me, because I'm a Whovian for life. Anyways, I just thought it was the funniest thing whenever he'd talk to that crow. I know that there's probably a story behind that, but I just don't know it. I really liked him when in season two he left the reflectors for the Sibunas to find. I'd always known he wasn't a bad character at all. To be honest, I cried a bit in The Touchstone of Ra when he left The House of Anubis. I also thought it was funny when he took his crow along.
Now I come to Nina. Even though she was the main character, she wasn't my favorite. I don't know why, I just wasn't a big fan. Like Mara, I don't have to to say about this character. I mean it was very brave at the end of season two when she could have died. Really though, we all knew she would do it, she's the main character.
Fabian, oh Fabian. Easily my favorite character, he was so much like a character from a story I'm in the middle of, I just fell in love with him. It's crazy how much they have in common. Throughout the second season, I totally shipped Nina and Fabian. I fangirled hilariously when they finally kissed haha. Really though, how insecure he was when Nina was trapped under the board just gave me the feels. When it came to The Touchstone of Ra and he and Mara kissed, I honestly was more okay with that than I'd thought I would be. Overall, I just love Fabian, everything about him. I even really like his name. Fabian, it's got a nice exotic ring to it.

Now let's talk about season three.
I was so mad when I found out Nina was no longer in the show. Her being a big part of the Sibunas, I just don't feel like watching season three. If I'm correct, Amber also left during season three, as I noticed in The Touchstone of Ra. That just crossed the line for me, even though I don't even like Amber as much as I like Nina. I still don't know if I should watch it or not, but I might.

I don't think I was the only one who noticed this, but this made me laugh for some reason. When the Anubis House was graduating, I saw that one of the Houses was named Hathor House. I laughed because seriously? I think it would be hilarious for some reason if they made a spinoff series about the other Houses, particularly Hathor House.

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