Friday, June 6, 2014

Banana_elephant for Fandom Friday

Hey everybody, Banana_elephant here! This is my first post here for Fandom Fridays, although I'll just be introducing myself. For the first month (so that would be June) I will be posting under Fandom Fridays, just for a FYI reference. Now, before I type so much your computer implodes and creates a black hole (what...) I'll just get on with a few facts about me.

1.) I can get really awfully wordy when I write, so I apologize right now about any future annoyance with that. Already you can probably tell that about me, so I'll just move on.

2.) I really LOVE the book Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. There's a character who's nickname is Banana Elephant, so I think you can now figure out where I got my username. FYI, next week for Fandom Friday I will be doing my post on the book, so watch out for that.

3.) Like Quidditch_Turtle, I write. In fact, right now I'm working on a steampunk/sorta cyberpunk novel about an evil governor who turns just about everyone else in the government into a robot. Yeah, saying it like that...

4.) I have a cat named Perseus who likes to shed on everyone and everything, which is just great. I love her a lot, but I could do without the hair.

5.) I LOVE reading, and I spend a lot of time doing that. My favorite book is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (which I will be seeing!!!!!), but what I really love to read is steampunk. The whole concept of it is just really interesting. If you know any good ones, tell me about them.

6.) I will now make these shorter because of fact number uno. Like, seriously.

7.) I try really hard, but I simply cannot choose a favorite color.

8.) I also love Harry Potter, even though i have only read one book. Fangirls, hold it up, but I have seen all of the movies. No, i do not need a hard time about it, I get enough of that from my friends. Yes, I plan on reading the rest.

9.) These facts are not getting any shorter. Wait, this one is short.

10.) Like the rest of us, I will not be answering any personal questions. You have already got the whole yada yada about that earlier, so therefore I will spare you.

Okay, thank you if you made it to the end. See ya'll next Friday for Fandom Friday, can't wait!

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