Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hey, CHUCKLES here! I will be doing throwback Thursdays for this month. As Quidditch_Turtle has told you we will be telling you readers about ourselves. Here we go!

1. First and foremost: I'm crazy... just like my parents... and in a good way of course.

2. I'm a four year Harry Potter fan and a blooming Doctor Who fan.

3. I have an awesome cabin that is filled with modern decorations and antique items.

4. And along with my cabin, I have a Teepee and a tree house with electricity (and no, I am not fibbing either, if you still don't believe me just ask Banana_Elephant and Quidditch_Turtle, they have both been there.)

5. My favorite classes in school (which just got out today ;D) is Spanish and Band.

6. I play the Tuba and the Native American Flute.

7. My codename has absolutely nothing to do with clowns, it is my moms nickname for me.

And that's me in a nut shell. Any questions or comments just ask! But not any personal ones. See you guys next week! 

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