Friday, June 13, 2014

Fandom Friday with Banana_elephant!

Hey everyone, Banana_elephant here, and happy Friday the Thirteenth! I hope you haven’t forgotten me, because it’s only been a week (hahaha). Anyways, you know I’m here today for Fandom Fridays, and as I said last week, I’ll be talking about the book Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins.
First of all, the book was amazing! I liked it so much I actually got my codename, Banana_elephant, from it (if you've read it, you'll get it). The situation was actually pretty real, unlike some realistic fiction I’ve read in the past. Seriously though, the characters were just perfect, just as real a the storyline/plot. Anna seemed the most realistic to me, and our dear Etienne was just so realistically a boy.
Okay, here’s a warning, the rest isn’t so spoiler free, so read at your own risk.

Anna was also kinda dense when she fell for who-and-a-what-now (I can’t even remember his name, THE WAY IT SHOULD BE BY THE WAY, you know, because he's a jerkface), I was actually really mad at Anna. Honestly, I didn’t see at all what was so great about him, but you know.
Her father and Etienne’s father were both jerks, and I couldn't stand them for the whole book. Seriously, whenever they were mentioned, I sorta inwardly groaned. And her friend was an absolute jerk not telling Anna about her new boyfriend, but Anna did it right back, and I was then angry at her too. Basically, everyone at that point looked like a Giant Squid of Anger (Nerdfighter thing, look it up).
Everything I’ve said so far makes it seem like I hated the characters hahaha.
Okay, to be honest, for the whole time I really only cared about my Etienne, and that was sorta terrible. Even though he was so perfect and so boyish, he was so real. That was probably my favorite thing about him. And I know Anna fell for him as soon as she saw him, but it was the same for Etienne when it came to her. The only thing different when it came to this was that he fell way harder for her than Anna did, as we found out later. This is when I really knew that I liked Stephanie as an author, because it seemed like she really understood this sort of thing. It may be the guy that falls hardest instead of the girl.

Okay, I promise I’m done with the spoilers. To those who haven’t read this book, READ IT. To those who have read it, REMEMBER IT. This book really is amazing, so maybe you should read it more than once. Even if you’re a guy, I think you should go right ahead and read it. Think about what I said people, and see you next Friday!

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