Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Introducing Quidditch_Turtle on Whatever Wednesday!

Hey fans, Quidditch_Turtle here! This week, each host will be introducing themselves to you, the viewers. Here are some quick facts about me-

  1. I am dedicated to the Harry Potter fandom for life.
  2. I have not read the Deathly Hallows or seen the movie so NO SPOILERS please!
  3. Like not_luna_lovegood said earlier, I will not answer any personal questions or comments. This is the main reason we came up with usernames.
  4. My favorite color is yellow
  5. My favorite animal is a turtle (Hence the name Quidditch_Turtle)
  6. I have an adorable puppy named Oliver... We just got him about a month ago!
  7. My favorite food is watermelon
  8. My favorite movie is "Safe Haven." It's a pretty good one...
  9. I am pretty artsy-fartsy when it comes to school projects and things like that
  10. I enjoy reading and writing, and am currently writing a series right now ( I could post the first story if you would like!)
Bonus Fact: CHUCKLES, Banana_elephant, and I started drawing a comic strip about a potato named Tarl. I know, it's weird...but that's okay, right? He he..

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