Friday, June 27, 2014

Banana_elephant's last Fandom Friday!

Hey everyone, it's Banana_elephant again! Heh, it feels like I always start my post like this. Anyways, this week I'll be talking about my favorite TV show, Doctor Who.
As you may know, Doctor Who had it's fiftieth year anniversary last November. Yes, even though the series started in 1963,  they're still making new episodes. The reason they can do this is because the Doctor, the main character of the series, can regenerate and thus a new actor takes on the role.
Last Christmas we said goodbye to the eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, and hello to Doctor number twelve, Peter Capaldi.
Matt Smith is by far my favorite Doctor. Like just about everyone else, this is because he was my first Doctor, seeing how I had just discovered this amazing series right before the anniversary. He was energetic, funny, brave, and a very deep Doctor. I really enjoyed every moment of his role as the Doctor, he played him so well. He made bow ties and fezzes cool, and now they will always be cool because of our timeless hero.
I can't say that I'm not excited to see Peter as the new Doctor. I know he'll be awesome, just because of the few moments we saw of him last Christmas. In August he'll have his debut and we'll get to know about this new face of the Doctor.
One of the most important things about our Doctor and his adventures are his companions. My favorite companion is Rory Williams (sometimes called Rory Pond). Seriously, you have to give the guy credit for dying but not dying so many times. Ah Rory, you amuse me.
One of the greatest things about the Doctor is that his choice of weapon isn't really a weapon. It's a sonic screwdriver, so he fixes things that go wrong. He helps people, and he tries to not hurt anyone (except for maybe a few Daleks and Cybermen). Although this hilarious tool doesn't work on wood, it can do a lot of things. Ah, how I'll miss Matt's sonic so very much.
By far my favorite villain would be the Daleks. I mean seriously, those things are hilarious, no matter how dangerous they are. With a whisk and plunger sticking out of their bodies, you'd think they'd be harmless. Actually, those two things shoot lasers, so beware.
I'd have to say my favorite episode of Doctor Who would be either the Time of the Doctor or The Eleventh Hour. They both crack me up, and I've watched both multiple times now. I can't even explain how much I love these, they're just so awesome.

Well, I'll see you guys again on Monday for my first Music Monday. I hope you've enjoyed my posts for our first round of Fandom Friday!

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