Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Whatever Wednesday with not_luna_lovegood #4

Hello, it's me, not_luna_lovegood (aka Looney) and welcome to Whatever Wednesday! I can't believe that the next time I will have Whatever Wednesday will be all the way in 2015 (January, to be exact). I don't know about you, but I feel like August has flown by really quickly. It feels like I just started Whatever Wednesday, and I'm already at my last week! Next week, I'm going to Throwback Thursday, and let me tell you, I am quite excited because I have a lot of ideas for that segment.

For my last Whatever Wednesday post for a while, I'm going to talk about my favorite YouTubers. As you may already know, I am completely obsessed with YouTube and spend far too much time watching my favorite videos. So today I'm going to talk about my favorite YouTubers, write a little bit about why I love their channel, and leave links to their channel(s) and my favorite videos of theirs. 

My #1 favorite YouTuber...well, actually YouTubers, are Benny and Rafi Fine, aka The Fine Brothers! I first found out about them when Gangnam Style was super-popular (Fall 2012, I think). We would always play the video and my three-year-old brother (one-year-old at the time) would dance to it. So one day when I was getting the video for him to dance to, I decided to scroll down just out of curiosity. I found the "Teens React to Gangnam Style" video and I thought, Well, that sounds pretty interesting. So I watched it, loved it, and decided to watch even more React videos. And ever since that life-changing (more or less) day, I've became a member of the Fine Family. I love the React series because I love to see what the Kids, Teens, Elders, and YouTubers have to say about various things in today's world. I may not always agree with what they have to say, but I'm always entertained. I also love the online sitcom created by the Fine brothers, MyMusic, because it's such a creative, funny show! I'm always going to be a member of the Fine Family!
Their main channel:
Their second channel:
The React channel:
My favorite video they've done: Kids React to Controversial Cheerios Commercial (I love this episode because I am completely against racism and agreed with everything the kids said. I almost cried while watching because it gave me hope for this generation.)

Another one of my favorite series on YouTube shouldn't be a surprise to you because by now, you should know about my passion for Harry Potter, but that doesn't matter. The point is that I love Potter Puppet Pals! I found out about this hilarious series through my Brick Wall friends, who were singing the Mysterious Ticking Noise song at lunch, and I was just like, "What the heck is that from?" And they explained to me that it was from Potter Puppet Pals, which I had heard of, but had not seen before. So I checked it out, and I became obsessed! I've seen all of the episodes and I've laughed my head off at every single one. If you love Harry Potter, you need to watch this wonderful, hilarious series!
The channel with a bunch of the older episodes:
The official Potter Puppet Pals channel:
My favorite video they've done: Potter Puppet Pals: Snape's Diary (This is one of my all-time favorite YouTube videos. I always laugh my head off when I watch it.)

One thing you may not know about me is that I love a good parody, but unfortunately, there aren't a whole lot of those on YouTube. A lot of the parodies I've found on YouTube are TOTALLY offensive and really disrespectful to the artist of the original song and their fans. But then, one day, I found Josh Chomik (aka thecomputernerd01) and I found parodies that are light-hearted, inoffensive, but most importantly,  funny! Josh's parodies are incredibly random, but I love randomness so I consider that a good thing. He almost always makes me laugh (the only parody of his I didn't really like was the #SELFIE parody) and his ideas are so creative and different from the rest of the people making parodies on YouTube.
His main channel:
His backup channel:
His iPhone channel:
My favorite video he's done: Party Rock Anthem- LMFAO Parody ( FROOT Loops  (I had a really hard time picking a favorite parody, but the rap in this one is so freaking perfect!)

Last, but not least, of my favorite YouTubers is Jon Cozart (aka Paint)! I found out about him when the Fine Brothers showed his one of his videos, After Ever After, on Teens React. I watched it, loved it, decided to check out his other videos, and was not disappointed! Jon is so talented and his songs are always hilarious! I can't wait to see what he comes up with next!
His channel:
My favorite video he's done: Harry Potter in 99 Seconds (Again, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, so this isn't much of a surprise. I sing this song all the time at lunch with CHUCKLES, Quidditch_Turtle, and Banana_Elephant.)

Those are my favorite YouTubers, go check them out if you haven't already! I'm not_luna_lovegood (aka Looney) and I'll see you (well, maybe not SEE you, know what I mean) next week for Throwback Thursday!

not_luna_lovegood (aka Looney)

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