Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Banana_elephant's Very First Travel Tuesday!

Hey everyone, and happy Tuesday! I warn you, I don't travel very much at all, so most of my Travel Tuesdays will be taken from deep within my head. Truth be told, I've never really strayed far from home because one, my mum doesn't like airplanes and will never fly in one. Two, my family is always busy, running around to get everyone where they need to be. Anyways, my first Travel Tuesday will be about my trip to my cousin's house over the Fourth.
We left on the third of July at around five o'clock with everything in tow. I'm not much of a sleeper, but I was more tired than I thought I was. I probably slept for two hours! My cousins live about five hours from where we live, but they actually used to live much farther away.
It was quite cold in our vehicle because my father (I think it was him) had the AC blasting on high the whole ride, so when we arrived I was wearing my older brother's red sweatshirt that he gave to me. I will probably never hear the end of the ugly sweat shirt from my dear cousin who I will call Gymnast (because she is a gymnast).
Gymnast is technically my younger cousin, but only by three weeks. We look like twins, our faces are nearly the same, our laughs are equally hilarious, and we both act quite stupid when we're around each other. If we really were twins, Gymnast would be the more fashionable and slightly denser one. I, on the other hand, would be the total geek who is a bit of an outsider.  We hardly ever see each other, but I know her like my right hand.
Anyway, because Gymnast has a single bed, we slept on our sleeping bags in the living room downstairs. They live on a lake, and the room we were sleeping in had a door that went down the short path to the lake. Being as dumb as we are, we mad the decision to read scary stories from scary story Instagram pages.
Bloody freaking bad idea.
The two of us didn't sleep very well in the fear of being attacked by some crazy paranormal creature, and that was how day one ended for me.
In the morning we woke up, at some donut muffins for breakfast (yeah, be jelly), and then went swimming. Neither of us put sunscreen on, so when we went kayaking for two hours, well... Gymnast was a bit tan (because she got the good blood in the family lol jk) and I got sunburned. Like bad man.
We went boating later, had a campfire, then watched fireworks on the pier. One of their neighbors hosts a firework show of the Point, so they were really close and totally awesome.
My other cousin brought a toad inside and put it in the doll house, probably just because he's a boy and likes to tease us girls. Man, the toad was so cute.
Oh yeah, and we decided to read more scary stories.
Day three, we caught fish in the lake with just a net and some Gold Fish. Once, I caught two at a time. Also, we went kayaking again and nearly tipped over because of the wind. yeah, taht was not fun at all.
Well, we left at four thirty, even though we were supposed to leave at four. My brother and my other cousin went fishing and stayed out too long. Boys will be boys.
Thanks for reading my post, and I'll see you guys next Tuesday.

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