Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Banana_elephant's Top 5 Things About Travelling

Seeing how I haven't traveled since last week or can think of anything to talk about, I thought of a solution. There are some things that I just really like about traveling, and I will tell you about them below.

1.) The Sense of Adventure
Because of how much I read, and seeing how most of the stuff I read is Science Fiction, I naturally how a sense of adventure. The unknown excites me most of the time (unknown waters scares the pants off of me), and I really like to discover stuff. I wish that I could be Indiana Jones for a living, if you know what I mean (no, I'm not saying that I'm Harrison Ford).

2.) Foreign Languages
No, I have never been out of the country. That doesn't mean I can't love different languages (it's still part of traveling after all). Some of my favorite languages to listen to someone speak are French and Italian (next to English of course). Sure, it bothers me sometimes when I don't understand what people are saying (due to my need to know everything), but it just sounds so beautiful. In fact, today I started learning Italian, and am getting the hang of it quickly.

3.) Scenery
Oh goodness, not far where I live are these gorgeous hills. There's this highway that you go over, and it's just so beautiful all the time. In the summer it's just sooooooo green, it drives me crazy! In the winter it looks like Narnia before the great thawing thing or whatever (it's been a long time since I've read the books or seen the movies). During the fall it looks like a giant war occurred in the skies. Strangely, during the spring, it looks like something apocalyptic. Trust me, it's beautiful.

4.) The Car Rides
For some reason, I love long car rides where I don't have to do a thing. I can get in a little bit of sleep and read a little bit, but most of the time is spent listening to music. It's just great to have your ear buds in and the music up high, almost like you're alone in your own universe.

5.) Meeting New People
For my swim meets, I have to travel a lot. Like a LOT, a lot. Most of the time I meet someone that is in the same event as me (swimming the same stroke and the same distance, also your same age group and gender, if you didn't know). Actually, I met someone last year at a meet, and now we're pretty close friends. I see her at a few meets a year, and we both freak out whenever we see each other. The last time I saw her we were actually in the same event, the 100 fly.

I hope you enjoyed this week's post. Honestly, I've been having lots and lots of writer's block lately, including from the novel I am trying to write (ergh). Anyways, see you guys next week!

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