Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Whatever Wednesday with not_luna_lovegood #2

I'm not_luna_lovegood, and welcome to Whatever Wednesday! Today I'm going to be listing 50 random facts.

1. I'm not_luna_lovegood.
2. This is Whatever Wednesday. 
3. This is the segment on the Brick Wall where we talk about random stuff.
4. Banana_Elephant will take over this segment in September...
5. Because I will be doing Throwback Thursday for September!
6. I have the song "She Looks So Perfect" by 5 Seconds Of Summer stuck in my head.
7. Banana_Elephant likes this song very much and...
8. I do too.
9. My brother is playing Mario Kart Wii.
10. Hey! I'm already finished with 1/5 of my facts!
11. My other brother is playing with Hot Wheels cars.
12. My hair is wet...
13. Because I took a shower this morning.
14. I have decided that you can call me Looney if you want.
15. That's what people call Luna Lovegood sometimes in Harry Potter.
16. It's usually meant in a mean way but I won't get offended if you call me Looney.
17. Because I'm crazy.
18. But in the best way possible :)!
19. Okay, that just makes me sound conceited.
20. I'm sorry! I don't like sounding conceited.
21. I came up with a whole bunch of facts last night but they wouldn't save :(!
22. Hey! 22 is my favorite number!
23. My brother is playing the Bowser's Castle track on Mario Kart.
24. I like the music in the background for this track.
25. Halfway done with my facts! Hooray!
26. I am going to a baseball game tonight.
27. Sadly, my dad won't be able to come since he has football practice.
28. My dad and the dads of some of my brother's friends are coaching the football team for my grade.
29. I am wondering why Mr. Rainbow hasn't posted in a while.
30. I hope he didn't forget about the blog!
31. I will have to talk to him when we go back to school.
32. Speaking of that, school for us starts on September 2nd.
33. I can't think of any more facts...
34. But I'm still going to keep going!
35. My brother and I have been playing lots of Mario Kart lately.
36. My brother is doing the Wario's Gold Mine track.
37. That track is really hard for me.
38. My brother has a duck Webkinz.
39. The Webkinz is sitting on my computer desk.
40. Ten more facts left!
41. There is also a bucket of Legos on the computer desk.
42. Stepping on Legos causes extreme pain.
43. Blue, green, and orange are my favorite colors.
44. I'm a Ravenclaw.
45. And a child of Athena.
46. And an Erudite.
47. If you get all these fandom references, you are awesome.
48. The number one thing I can't live without (besides food, water, air, and shelter) is wifi.
49. I can't imagine life without the Internet.
50. I'M DONE!!!!!

So those are 50 random facts about me! I'm sorry if this seems kind of lazy, but I can't think of anything else to write about. I'm not_luna_lovegood (aka Looney) and I'll be back next week for another round of Whatever Wednesday!

not_luna_lovegood (aka Looney)

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