Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fantasic Fantasy Ways of Worldly Travel!

Sorry, I just had to LOL. Being Banana_elephant and all, I just had to.
Okay, so there are actual ways to travel. You know, like walking, running, by car, by train, etc. What really fascinates me are the fantasy ways of travel. I'll give you a list of some of my favorites.

This is probably my favorite way of fantasy traveling, seeing how it's also from my favorite sub-genre of science fiction. Airships are fantastic to look at (um, of course) but in Steampunk, they're pretty useful. Okay, if Steampunk airships were ever made, I'd just want to fly around in one and pretend it's the Victorian era.

This one is pretty cool too. Flying carpets. We all know the magical flying carpet from Aladdin, but just think how cool (or uncool) that would be to have one. Just think, having one in front of the door would be really nice to just hop onto and open the door. Although, it would be kind of inconvenient if you didn't realize you'd bought a magic carpet and then angered it by using it to wipe you feet...

Of course I can't forget dragons! Imagine having a pet dragon and being able to fly around on it all day (okay, not all day but...) and making it breath fire on everything. Okay, maybe not the fire part due to safety issues but dragons are pretty darn cool looking.

Another cool one are Pegasus (pegasi, pegasuses... what the heck is the plural...). Riding around on a flying horse would be pretty boss if I do say so myself. As long as they don't hit you in the head as they fly past, you should be completely fine.

I think we'd go all Percy Jackson if we had flying shoes, you know? It'd be nice to get out of traffic jams, go around people that are walking way too slow, easy way to get to Paris, and many more pluses, you know?

You know, now that I think about it, it's probably a good thing these things don't actually exist (well, as far as we know). There's a reason why fiction is so dangerous.

Sorry if this post was boring, I've been having trouble thinking of things to post. Hopefully next week I'll have something a bit more interesting to talk about. Banana_elephant out!

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