Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Paris, Why Banana_elephant Needs to Go

Hi guys, as you may know, I really like Paris. Like, the only thing between us is an ocean. And some land. Well, you know what I mean (figuratively).
I just finished the last book in Stephanie Perkins's series, and it's become pretty clear to me I won't be absolutely content until I've gone to Paris. So here are my reasons that I need to get there someday.
For one, it's freaking Paris. You know, the City of Light, the most romantic city in the world, the city that houses Notre Dame? I'd give so much just to be there, to really see it with my eyes. I bet it'll be the most beautiful thing I will ever see in my entire life.
Then there's the book reason. My favorite book series (and book) takes place there. It would be so great to walk to streets of Paris like Anna and her friends did, to experience some of the cities wonders as they did. To stand on Point Zero and see Anna and Etienne standing there in that ghostly way. I'd make the same wish Anna did as I stand there in the center of France, for what is best for me. I'd feel the feels, cry the tears, and then walk away from my two best friends for the last time. It'd be my way of giving my dear Anna and St. Clair the proper farewell. Sure, I'll still read their stories over and over again, countless times, but I'd feel better after doing it (okay, I'll be sad as heck, but seriously).
French desserts are always better in France. My mum makes some pretty mean French pastries, but there are no French things better than pastries in Paris (I'm pretty sure). It's just my biased opinion.
I'd like to see Notre Dame in all it's glory. I've seen pictures and holy Hera. It just looks... huge. Giant. Beautiful. There's nothing that could possibly look that amazing on the Internet (but wait, it does) let alone in real life (oh wait, I've heard it looks better than possible).
I'd really like to see a movie in Paris, just like Anna did in the first book (feeling the feels here). Seriously though, I just feel like even that would be a more beautiful experience, something as simple as that. I'd hunt down a theater that gives me some good vibes, and I'd sit and watch a movie. Period. End of that story.
I guess that French comic book stores are pretty fantastic, so I'd like to see one of those. I've only ever been into one comic book store in my life and wasn't exactly impressed. If I were walking and saw one, I'd most defiantly take a peek inside.
Sorry about the short post (dear me, I say that a lot) but school is starting soon. I'm excited and nervous and have a lot on my mind, trying to finish the first part of my novel and all before this year starts (yeah, I'm calling it a novel now peeps. No, it won't be published anytime soon or up for reads). It's also that I don't know much about traveling, due to not doing it much. True, during this time I could have talked about the Great Snake Hunt that some of the neighbor kids took part in quite a few years ago (it was my brother, me, and four other neighborhood kids), but I didn't. It just didn't seem like to time to talk about any of the adventures we had during my childhood. Anyways, I'll see you guys next week for Whatever Wednesday.
Wow, I can't believe August is almost over.

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