Friday, August 22, 2014

Whatever Wednesday with not_luna_lovegood #3

Hi, it's me, not_luna_lovegood, and I'm SO SO SO SO SO sorry this is late. I got in trouble with my parents for reasons I'm not going to get into, but I got my Internet privileges taken away. I let the Brick Wall down, and I'm really, sincerely sorry about this being late. I know it isn't Wednesday, but I'm going to do Whatever Wednesday today.

I'm going to be talking about a topic that isn't as happy and light-hearted as my previous two, but I'd say it's much more important than candy and 50 facts about myself. I'm going to talk about bullying, since I feel the need to talk about it.

With the new school year coming (if it hasn't arrived already), I know there will be a lot of bullying going on. I'm going to talk about what you can do to help stop bullying, because all of us at the Brick Wall are against bullying.

If you're getting bullied: You have my sympathy! Nobody deserves to be bullied. To help stop bullying, my advice is to speak up and firmly tell the bully to stop. If that doesn't work, tell an adult you trust, like a parent, teacher, or guidance counselor what's going on and they can help. The one thing you shouldn't do, however, is be mean back. Yeah, they probably deserve it, but if you're mean back, they'll continue bullying you.

If you're a bystander (person who watches while the bullying happens) : Speak up for yourself! Firmly tell the bully to stop or tell an adult you trust. Simple as that!

If you're bullying people: Stop. Just stop it. If you're bullying because your friends are telling you to and you feel pressure, stand up for yourself and tell your friends that you don't want to hurt people's feelings. They aren't true friends if they're making you bully people! But if you are bullying because you want to, just find something better to do. There is nothing fun about hurting people's feelings!

I know this wasn't that positive, but it's an important issue I need to acknowledge. And again, I'm sorry about this being late. I will be back next Wednesday!

not_luna_lovegood (aka Looney)

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