Monday, August 4, 2014

CHUCKLES here and it is my first Music Monday! I am actually really excited to do this topic. So for my subject today I won't be doing the "now" music like the others but I will be doing a less known music maker. So my subject for today is KickthePJ's music. KickthePJ is one of my favorite youtubers. He is not only a vlogger and a songwriter but also a short movie maker. Cool right. But anyways back on to his music.

One of my favorite videos that he did was Colour Bandits. He wrote the song and made all the music for this video.

You can watch it here:

Another one that he did was Forest Walker. He calls this a poem not a song but I still like it. I am actually not sure if he made the music in the background.

Here it is:

Ok I honestly have no idea where he got the idea for this one. This one is called Pencil Tooth.

This is it:

Peaches and Cream is the next one. It doesn't have lyrics but it is actually kind of inspirational.

Here you go:

I am actually not sure if this is his music or not. But these two play it well.

Right here:

Not Sure if this is also his:

So guys this is all for today. I know for a fact that this isn't all the music he's ever done. See ya next week.

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