Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Whatever Wednesday with not_luna_lovegood #1

Welcome to Whatever Wednesday! I'm not_luna_lovegood and I will be doing Whatever Wednesday for the month of August! I'm very excited to do this even though I don't have that many good ideas for this segment! Today I'm going to talk about something I know just about everyone likes: CANDY!!!!!!!!! How this is going to work is I am going to ask my brother to name five random types of candy and then I am going to give my thoughts on those candies and say my favorite flavor (if there are different flavors).

Candy #1: Skittles


I'm not the biggest fan of Skittles, since I don't like fruity candy that much, but Skittles are okay. I don't like the sour kind, though. 
Favorite flavor: Grape

Candy #2: Toffee


I like toffee. It reminds me of one of my favorite desserts my mom makes, a chocolate cake with Diet Coke as a secret ingredient (not so secret now, isn't it?) because there are Heath bar pieces on the top. Toffee isn't one of my absolute favorites, but I do like it every once in a while.
Favorite flavor: N/A

Candy #3: Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
Left, Jelly Belly Jelly Beans. Right, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans

I LOVE THIS CANDY! I could probably eat my weight in Jelly Bellys. It's definitely my favorite fruit candy, even though only one of my absolute favorite flavors is fruit-related. Also, they make Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans from the Harry Potter series, which I really want to try since as you already know, I'm a hardcore Harry Potter fan. 
Favorite flavors: Chocolate Pudding, French Vanilla, Toasted Marshmallow, and Strawberry Cheesecake.

Candy #4: Snickers

Snickers Peanut Butter Squared

Snickers is hands-down one of the best candies I've ever had. I love a good chocolate/peanut butter/nut candy, and like they say in the commercials, Snickers satisfies! They also have hilarious commercials:

This commercial always makes me laugh. The best part: "My back hurts! (gets whacked in the gut by a log) Now my front hurts!"

Favorite flavor: Not really a flavor, but my favorite variety of Snickers are the Peanut Butter Squares, which I like better than the original.

Candy #5: Butterfinger

Another one of my all-time favorite candies. I love the combination of chocolate and peanut butter, because any candy with chocolate and peanut butter is a good candy in my book. It's just so good!

Favorite flavor: N/A

What's your favorite candy? Feel free to say what it is in the comments below! I'm not_luna_lovegood, and I will see you (well, maybe not see you, but you know what I mean) next Wednesday!


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