Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Banana_elephant here, and right now the Percy Jackson fandom is FREAKING OUT. Why? Well, it is most certainly time. We should have been freaking out like this weeks ago.
Silly me, some of you guys probably have no idea what I'm talking about. For those of you who don't know, the last Percy Jackson book, The Blood of Olympus is coming out on October 7th. That's less than two weeks from now. In less than two weeks, we will never go on an official Percy Jackson adventure ever again. Sure, there will be the Percy Jackson/Kane Chronicles crossovers, but it's just not the same.
Okay, enough with the crying and fangirling (lol just kidding, we must never stop the fangirling). Uncle Rick has announced the title of his new series, set to launch in Fall of 2015. It's going to be called Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. Personally I'm excited because I love Norse Myths. I spent an entire summer researching the culture, learning Old Norse (which I have mostly forgotten), and reading a few of the myths that I could find online. My personal favorite website for info and some good reading is here. It's kind of a long story of how I got into the mythology and culture, so I'll save it for another day.
There's a new Big Hero 6 trailer coming out this Friday and I cannot wait! I'm so excited for this movie, it looks AWESOME. Everything about it looks great. Here's a link to the first trailer (here) and a hilarious clip.
Speaking of trailers, the new Mockinjay Part 1 first official trailer launched a little while ago. Let me just say that I am so excited for this movie. These books were the first ever to make me cry, and they're very special to me. Jen obviously did amazing in this movie from what I've seen, but I wouldn't really expect anything else. Watch the trailer here.
There's so much I want to talk about, but I've got a report to start. I just really wanted to make a post (and it also started up my writing brain). I'll see you guys whenever I post next, but I'll be back!

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