Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hey, hey, hey! CHUCKLES here! And this is my first Travel Tuesday! My topic is traveling to school today (the first day). Of course I cant tell you what my school is because that is personal info and you know our policy here! I will in fact be doing this post in a very different way than other times... I will be writing it in first person in almost like a book format. So lets get started!

I woke to a ringing bell that I soon realized was my alarm clock. I pulled my pink blanket off me and walked into the kitchen. After my mother had woken up I got ready for the day and ate a delicious breakfast of peanut butter and Nutella on waffles.

Soon a long, yellow vehicle pulled up to the driveway and I hopped on. What surrounded me were loud noises, windows, brown seats, and lots of people. Plunking down on a seat I attempted to read a book, it was called The Thief Lord, Banana_Elephant borrowed it to me. The noise in the vehicle had distracted me from reading.

Later we stopped at a plain, brick building and several people got off. We then drove a few minutes to yet another brick building labeled SCHOOL. The rest of the noisy people shuffled off and so did I. Walking into a long boring hallway inside the building I spotted my locker right next to Banana_Elephant we then headed off to our first class, Science, where we then found Quidditch_Turtle.

After that I traveled to Band then Social Studies, Math, Study Hall, Lunch, Language, Literature, and Art. I enjoyed each and every class. Between all of them I learned lots about my teachers and other people in my class. At lunch I made a new friend.

And there is a funny story to this too, Banana_Elephant and I accidentally went to Gym instead of Band and ended up walking shamefully into the Band room with our gym teacher.

So guys that was my first day of school this year I hope this was interesting to read. See ya!

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