Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Doctor Who Series 8 with Banana_elephant!

As you probably all know, I love Doctor Who. It's one of my favorite things in the world, and it recently had it's eighth season premier. Today I will talk about some of my favorite parts about Peter Capaldi and his role as the Doctor!
Okay, so far the first two episodes had something to do with breathing. First "Deep Breath", with Clara not being able to breath or otherwise she'd be detected. Then, with the thing in "Into the Dalek" where everyone had to make sure to breath while they were shrunk down. Oh, and don't be lasagne.
I was honestly nervous and a little bit scared of how Peter would do, but so far he's been absolutely fantastic. He obviously knows his part well, and this new Doctor is obviously genuine. He's very serious in some situations, but he always says something clever. Let's be honest, some things he says are just hilarious!
Clara and Twelve have awesome chemistry, and I've enjoyed every second of it. I loved when Clara went into the supply closet (I think that's what it was) and suddenly, there was the TARDIS. When the Doctor asked Clara if he was a good man, her honesty and her answer really made my heart ache. Just like us, she's not quite sure if he's a good man. Yes, I love the Doctor, but even I'm not sure. How honest she was really did symbolize she'd accepted his new face and how he is now. By "Into the Dalek", I'd accepted the fact that this was the Doctor, and I'm pretty sure Clara had accepted it too.
I'm really excited for this Saturday, it's so exciting to meet Robin Hood in Doctor Who, I'd just never expected that. To be honest, I'm just as excited as Clara is to meet him! Jenna looked so pretty in that dress she was wearing too, I think she would look fantastic in that era's clothing.
Sorry the post is so short, there's just two episodes out, and I'm having trouble putting my thoughts together about them. Basically I just know that I love Capaldi's Doctor, he's been great. I also like this new character, Mr. Pink (can't remember his first name) and I'm going to like him even more once we see a bit more of him. Jenna's been doing really well too with all of this new stuff. Anyways, I'll see you guys next week for another Whatever Wednesday.

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