Thursday, September 11, 2014

Throwback Thursday with not_luna_lovegood #2

I have noticed that a lot of books, movies, and TV shows have rebellions in them. A few I can name off the top of my head are The Hunger Games, Divergent, Harry Potter (somewhat), and I'm sure there are more, I just can't think of them at the moment. Well, I have been a part of a little rebellion myself. Granted, it's not as extravagant as planning to overthrow the government or the Dark Lord or anything like that, but it's a rebellion nonetheless. This rebellion happened when I was in 5th grade (which explains why I am doing it for Throwback Thursday) back when we had a couple of recess supervisors who were very anti-manners if I do say so myself. So without further ado, I, not_luna_lovegood, present to you, THE THANK YOU REBELLION.

Back when I was in 5th grade and on my final year of elementary school, I had recess, like most elementary school kids do. And when we would go inside, Banana_Elephant, being nice, polite Banana_Elephant, would hold the door open for our class. The polite thing to do when someone holds the door open for you is to say "Thank you". Common sense, right? So we said "Thank you" while Banana_Elephant held the door for us. Well, you are never going to believe what happened!

At our school, if you do something bad, the recess supervisors put you on the wall for five minutes. And saying "Thank you" when someone holds the door open for you is not, and never will be, something bad. So here's what may be the greatest plot twist in history, the holy grail of shocking things: THE SUPERVISORS STARTED PUTTING US ON THE WALL FOR SAYING "THANK YOU", FOR USING OUR FREAKING MANNERS, FOR DOING WHAT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO DO AND ALWAYS HAD BEEN. Un-freaking-believable!

They said it was because we were supposedly being loud. When in reality, we were being quiet. I can remember somebody saying "Thank you" somewhat loudly only once, and even then, it was as a joke and it was still using good manners. They said that we were supposed to just walk inside without saying anything, which strikes me as 1. COMPLETELY and TOTALLY rude, and 2. Making no sense whatsoever! Isn't using your manners supposed to be a good thing? 

So my fifth grade class banded together to begin The "Thank You" rebellion. As a person who almost always plays by the rules, I must admit that showing off my rebellious side was pretty fun! We rebelled by doing the most edgy and daring thing ever known to man (maybe): SAYING "THANK YOU". We didn't care if we got put on the wall, as long as we kept on doing what we knew was the right thing. It may not seem like much, but my 5th grade self thought it was the coolest thing ever. 

Banana_Elephant and I played a part in the rebellion by telling kids in other classes about our rebellion and inviting them to join us by saying "Thank you" and telling their friends about it. To this day, I'm still shocked by how unfair it was. I cannot comprehend how using our manners, which our parents and teachers have told us to do for our entire lives, could be a bad thing. It was dumb.

So we told our teacher, who was just as shocked as we were. We asked her if she could talk to the supervisors and make things right. Our teacher talked to them and we had won the rebellion! Years later, we can say "Thank you" to the people who hold the door open for us as much as we want. Hooray for good manners! 

That was the story of the "Thank You" Rebellion. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little at some parts, but I couldn't help myself! I hope you enjoyed this little story! I'm not_luna_lovegood, and I'll be back next week for another Throwback Thursday!


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