Monday, May 25, 2015

not_luna_lovegood's First Post (Revisited)

Hello, it's me, not_luna_lovegood. I realize I just posted yesterday, but I'm feeling creative right now, so I will post again. As you may know, but our 1-year anniversary is coming up soon. Because of this, I have decided to revisit the first post I ever made on here and reflect on it. The post is titled "Music Mondays with not_luna_lovegood #1" and was posted on June 2, 2014. I will be making comments and sharing thoughts so you can see how much I have changed from when I first started the blog to today. I will be putting my thoughts in a different font and color.
Hello, you've reached Music Mondays! I'm not_luna_lovegood, and I'll be here to tell you all about music and stuff during the month of June! When June is over, I'll be moving to Travel Tuesdays and Banana_Elephant will be doing Music Mondays! Since this is my first entry on the blog, I thought I would take some time to introduce myself to y'all! 

 Ah, the good old days when we changed topics every month. Luckily, those days are coming back this summer. I also start my posts essentially the same way I did back then. Lastly, what's up with my usage of the word(?) "y'all?" It just sounds cheesy and corny now.

First of all, I am NOT the character Luna Lovegood from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, nor do I know her at all. But I can assure you that if I did know her, we would totally be BFFs! Just wanted to get that out there, haha. I don't know how I came up with my username, I was just sitting there in health class and it just came to me.

I am still not Luna Lovegood, I have still never met her, and I still think we would be friends if she were real and I knew her. I feel that her personality is very similar to mine.

So anyway, I'm gonna list some random facts about me in an attempt to introduce myself.

Great first impression, Looney (that was sarcastic, if you couldn't tell).

1. I am a die-hard Harry Potter fan. Mention Harry Potter around me and I will start screaming and fangirling because I love it so much. #potterheadandproud

I'm still a giant Harry Potter fan and I always will be. I fail to see how people can dislike Harry Potter.

2. I love music! I play clarinet in school band, piano, and I'm going to learn guitar this summer. My favorite genre of music is pop, which is what we talk about on Music Mondays.

I LOVE MUSIC. It's as simple as that. I'm almost always listening to music and if I'm not, I have a song in my head. I am listening to the song "Clocks" by my favorite band, Coldplay, as I write this. I love Coldplay's music because it makes me feel creative. Also, my attempts at guitar failed, and we talk about more than pop music at Music Mondays.

3. I refuse to answer any and all personal questions (my real name, age, address, school, etc.) and comments (I think I know you, I know what your personal Instagram is, etc.). I'm terrified of stalkers. Don't even bother posting personal questions and/or comments because they won't show up.

The "no private information revealed" policy is still in use, and will stay there for a LONG TIME.

4. The idea for the Brick Wall first started about a month or two ago, but it wasn't until about a week ago that the idea became a reality. We were just talking at lunch and saying the randomest things when we thought, "Hey, why don't we start a blog about us saying random things?" And finally, after waiting for around a month, Quidditch_Turtle finally started the blog!

I think I did a pretty good job describing our humble origins. I remember how excited I was when we first started The Brick Wall, and I'm glad at how it turned out.

5. We came up with the name "The Brick Wall" because of the brick wall near the table we sit at in our school cafeteria. One of the bricks has a piece of masking tape that says "Brick" taped on it. And that's sort of how we came up with the name.

Name story time! The brick with the masking tape on it is gone, sadly. R.I.P. "Brick" Brick.

6. I'm not just a grammar Nazi, I consider myself Grammar Hitler. Seriously! Use the wrong "there" in a sentence (We saw the train sitting their as opposed to We saw the train sitting there) or something like that and I will start raging madly.

Grammar Hitler? Seriously? TOO FAR, LOONEY. I consider myself "Chief of the Grammar Police" now, because that name doesn't make light of the terrible times known as the Holocaust.

7. I love to read and write. Besides Harry Potter, my favorite series are Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Divergent, and The Hunger Games. Right now, I'm writing a story and I'm not really sure how to explain what it's about. I might publish it on another website when it's done.

I have like a hundred favorite books, but my absolute favorite series is Harry Potter. I am also writing five different stories right now. I'm a multitasker.

8. I'm a big fan of Disney movies. I love them all, but I'd say my favorite is Finding Nemo (which is actually made by Pixar but I count it as a Disney movie). Finding Nemo is my favorite movie of all time!

Pitch Perfect and its sequel are my favorite movies, but I'm still a Disney kid at heart, as you can see in my list of my top 10 favorite movies.

9. My favorite color is blue because if I were a student at Hogwarts (school in the Harry Potter series, in case you didn't know that, but you probably do) I would be in Ravenclaw House, and if I were in one of the factions from the Divergent series, I would be in Erudite. Coincidentally, both Ravenclaw and Erudite have blue for their representing color!

Blue is still my favorite color...LOL.

10. I would love to be a famous singer, but I sound like a dying cow when I sing, so that will never happen!

Well, I was just singing along to "Love Me Like You Do" by Ellie Goulding (alone, of course!) and I didn't think I sounded THAT bad. I'll still never be a famous singer, though. I want to be a writer.

So that’s just a little bit about me. I hope you enjoy our blog! 

Had I made this post earlier, I would have noted that I love cinnamon rolls, mainly because I think of myself a cinnamon roll personified. I also would have noted that I am very wordy and can be sarcastic at times.


Alas, my humble signature. It hasn't really changed, except for the fact that I added "aka Looney" in parentheses because it's Luna Lovegood's nickname in Harry Potter. I also sometimes forget to italicize it. 

  I have changed quite a bit ever since my first Brick Wall post, and I hope you find how I've changed interesting. 

not_luna_lovegood (aka Looney)

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