Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My Top 5 Pet Peeves (by not_luna_lovegood)

Hey, it's not_luna_lovegood, and a few days ago, I posted a recap of the premiere of "Dancing With The Stars". It was up for like an hour before I deleted it, and if you're wondering why it stayed on for such a short time, I will tell you why. I started off thinking it would be a really good idea, but then I decided that it would be best to delete it. TV reviewing/recapping just isn't really my thing. If you did see it and are wondering where it went, that's why.

For my next post, I will write about 5 things that really, really bug me, also known as pet peeves. These are in no particular order, they're just 10 things that people tend to do that get on my nerves a lot. Maybe you agree, maybe you don't, this is just my personal opinion. Also, if you do these things, I am not saying that I dislike you personally, because I probably don't know you. What I'm trying to say is that I just get annoyed when people do them. So let's get started!

1. Bad Grammar
Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little with the "Grammar Hitler" thing in my opening post. Still, I am a pretty big grammar Nazi. Any time I see a word spelled wrong or the wrong use of "there" in a piece of writing, I have to correct it, usually in a snobbish way. I'm sorry, it's just that bad grammar gets on my nerves.

2. Random Staring
It's a nitpick, I know, but I tend to get annoyed when people just stare at me. It usually happens to me when I'm in class, and I'm tempted to fight back with a witty, sarcastic remark. That would be rude of me, however, so I don't do it. I just keep all my anger bottled up inside of me...until now...hehe. I also hate it when you're coming back from, say, the bathroom, and the entire class just starts staring at you. It really annoys me!

3. Coming Into Class Before The Class Before You Is Done
This is another nitpick I have that has to do with school. In some of my classes, the class after mine always comes in way too early, before I am done packing up. I don't know why, but it really annoys me!! I seriously wish that they would wait until my classmates and I are done packing up before they burst into the classroom.

4. The Unrelated Photo Caption
I am quite active on my private Instagram, which I will obviously not reveal (however, brick_wall_bloggers is the Brick Wall's official Instagram, follow us!). I use it to take a peek into my friends' and favorite celebrities' lives (that doesn't sounds stalker-ish, does it?). One thing that really bugs me on Instagram is when people will take a selfie or something and then post a COMPLETELY unrelated caption, like a song lyric. When people do this, I tend to get really annoyed and am like, Is this a picture of the person who said the quote? No! Is this some edit of the quote? No! This is a selfie/picture of some pretty scenery! So why isn't the caption something like "Just chillin!" or "I saw this and I thought it was pretty"? It really bugs me!

5. Stereotypes 
Here at the Brick Wall, it's a fact that we dislike stereotypes completely! Heck, Banana_Elephant made a post all about it (it's under Music Monday, go check it out if you haven't already). Not all blondes are dumb, not all women are weak, and not all teenagers are rebellious! True, some might be, but not all of them! I really hate stereotypes.

I was gonna do 10 but I could only think of 5 at the moment. My next post will either be on a list of songs that make you want to dance or maybe Top 10 Episodes of SpongeBob Squarepants (since that show is actually a pretty common topic amongst us bloggers). Or maybe it will be something totally different! Whatever my next post will be, I'll have you know that I'll be back soon!


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