Monday, March 23, 2015

My Top 10 Favorite SpongeBob Squarepants Episodes (Part 1) (by not_luna_lovegood

First airing on May 1, 1999, SpongeBob SquarePants is by far the most popular and iconic cartoon to ever air on Nickelodeon. The show is beloved by kids and adults alike and is about SpongeBob and his friends' adventures in the fictional underwater town of Bikini Bottom. SpongeBob has spawned a large fanbase, tons of merchandise, and even two theatrically released films. In honor of the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards (which will air this Saturday, March 28), I, not_luna_lovegood, will count down my top 10 favorite episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants. A few notes:
-All of these episodes are from the first 3 seasons, as I feel the show dropped in quality after these seasons.
-When I mention the episode number, that's the episode number overall, not just in the season.
-Pictures and episode information come from the SpongeBob Wikia page at: I also used the synopses on the site to help me come up with my own.
-This will be VERY long, as many of my posts are, so I will split this into two parts.
-Lastly, I do not own SpongeBob, Nickelodeon does. This is just a fanmade post.

10. Procrastination (season 2, episode 37a)
 In this episode, SpongeBob is assigned to write an 800-word essay on what not to do at a stoplight for Mrs. Puff's boating class. After two hours, he only has ten words on his paper (What Not To Do At A Stoplight By: SpongeBob Squarepants). He pulls an all-nighter trying to finish the essay, but keeps getting distracted by silly things (such as calling his best friend, Patrick, for advice and hallucinating that his house is on fire. The episode ends with Mrs. Puff announcing that the class will just go on a field trip to a traffic light instead. This episode is in my top 10 because it's REALLY relatable to me. As a student, I've discovered that I am really, really good at procrastinating, so that's why I like it. Other than that, I like it because I just think it's a funny episode and I love the twist at the end.

9. Big Pink Loser (season 2, episode 23a)
Big Pink Loser
This episode begins with Patrick, SpongeBob's lovably stupid starfish friend, receiving a trophy. Turns out, it's actually SpongeBob's for working so hard at the Krusty Krab. Patrick is jealous and wants to earn a prize of his own, so he gets a job at the Krusty Krab. Patrick tries his hand at many jobs, failing miserably at all of them. Just when Patrick is about to quit because he thinks he's a big pink loser (hence the title), he receives an award for doing nothing longer than anyone else. This episode makes my list for having one of my favorite SpongeBob scenes ever. Patrick is given the assignment to take customers' orders at the checkout and with that, he has to answer the Krusty Krab phone. The customers begin the call, "Is this the Krusty Krab?" and then Patrick says one of his best quotes ever, "NO! THIS IS PATRICK!" At school, my friends from the Brick Wall and I quote this ALL. THE. TIME.

8. The Camping Episode (season 3, episode 57b)

The Camping Episode
This episode is about SpongeBob, Patrick, and their grumpy neighbor, Squidward, going camping in SpongeBob's front yard. They roast marshmallows (from a can) and sing not just any campfire song, but THE CAMPFIRE SONG SONG (link: Spongebob then tells Patrick and Squidward tales of the sea bear, which is a scary monster sort of like Bigfoot or the Boogeyman. He lists off many strange things that attract sea bears, such as badly playing clarinet outside at night and eating cubed cheese. Squidward does all these things to prove that they don't exist, but a sea bear comes and attacks Squidward. At the end, there is another creature called the sea rhinoceros which appears, but does not attack Squidward. The aforementioned Campfire Song Song is the main reason why this episode makes my list, other than just being a really funny episode overall.

7. I'm Your Biggest Fanatic (season 2, episode 30b)

I'm Your Biggest Fanatic
In this episode, SpongeBob and Patrick go to a jellyfishing convention, where SpongeBob meets his hero, Kevin the Sea Cucumber. Kevin is the leader of the Jellyspotters club, which SpongeBob tries desperately to join. SpongeBob takes multiple tests to prove that he is truly ready to join the Jellyspotters, and much to Kevin's dismay, he passes every one while Kevin keeps getting stung. The final task SpongeBob is given is to catch a queen jellyfish. He tries for hours using a queen jellyfish call which produces the sound "loser", and just when he's about to give up, Kevin and his buddies come to him in a queen jellyfish-shaped robot. A king jellyfish appears and falls in love with the robot. SpongeBob is the only one brave enough to confront the king jellyfish, as Kevin was actually a phony. In the end, SpongeBob is made leader of the club, but he decides that hero worship isn't healthy and refuses. I just like this episode overall because I'm a fanatic of a lot of things. Also, I'm sorry the summaries are way longer than me explaining why I like the episode.

6. Grandma's Kisses (season 2, episode 26a)
 Grandma's Kisses
 This episode tells the tale of SpongeBob enjoying trips to his grandma's house. His grandma treats him like a baby, giving him cookies and reading him stories. SpongeBob's peers at the Krusty Krab find out about this and make fun of him, so he decides that he is now an adult. He tells his grandma that he's ready to grow up and comes to her in fake sideburns, with Patrick by his side. Trying to be a grown-up, SpongeBob refuses the activities he once loved, like cookies, storytime, and kisses. Patrick loves these activities and gets very close with Grandma, which makes SpongeBob jealous. He starts crying his eyes out because he doesn't want to grow up and wants to be babied by Grandma forever. Grandma tells him that it's okay to be treated like a baby every once in a while, and that she will always be there for him. I love this episode because I can relate to it. Like SpongeBob, I don't want to grow up and I wish I could stay a kid forever.

I will post Part 2 tomorrow, so keep on the lookout for that!

not_luna_lovegood (aka Looney)

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