Friday, January 9, 2015

Hi, everyone! This Is Dog-lover!!

Hi everyone!  Happy new year! This isn't much of a fandom but my name on here is dog-lover and I am the new member of the blog!  You probably saw not_luna_lovegood mention me in the last post.  So for my first post, I am just going to tell you guys about myself:

1. I love dogs- (Hence--my username)  I just think they're so cute and fun to play with.  I have a dog myself, actually.

2. I love math- I know when I say that you'd think I am not ordinary (I'm not) This love for math started when I was little when I was OBSESSED with numbers, that love for numbers continues to this very day!

3. I like technology and other gadgets- I, in my opinion, think I am very good with technology.  If someone has a problem on a computer or some tech thing, there is a 75% chance I might figure it out. Speaking of which, I especially love iPads, iPods, computers, and all that stuff.

4. I am a big fan of music- Music is maybe one of my favorite things to do or listen, or it is a close second (next to family and dogs).  I love a lot of genres, my top 3 list would be: 3) Country 2) Rock 1) Pop.  Also, I play a clarinet in band class.

5. I really like studying weather- I don't know when I started liking weather and all that stuff, but I find it really fascinating and interesting, especially learning about big storms like tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.

6. I like TV- I know this isn't really a thing about me, but I thought I would just throw in that I love TV.

7. I make mistakes- I am one of those people who keeps on making mistakes left and right, I also am very forgetful.

8. Like everyone else here, I will not say ANYTHING about my personal life as I do not feel comfortable talking about it with random viewers, so I do not want to be asked (sorry, I sounded bossy there)  That is dog-lover in a nutshell.  I am really looking forward to be posting on The Brick Wall for 2015 and until further notice!  That is it!


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