Monday, April 13, 2015

The Top 10 States in Population... by Dog-lover

Hi, this is Dog-lover, back for my first post of April.  I am going to share the top 10 states in population.

Here we go:

10. Michigan - with approximately 9,909,877 people

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9. North Carolina - with approximately 9,943,964 people

8. Georgia - with approximately 10,097,343 people

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7. Ohio - with approximately 11,594,163 people

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6. Pennsylvania - with approximately 12,787,209 people


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5. Illinois - with approximately 12,880,580 people

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4. New York - with approximately 19,746,227 people

3. Florida - with approximately 19,893,297Image result for florida image

Image result for texas image2. Texas - with approximately 26,956,958 people

AND FINALLY................ #1.........

CALIFORNIA - with approximately 38,802,500 people!
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So, there you have it.  I am sorry this post is so long and the states are not aligned good at all.  This is doglover, signing out.


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