Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Travel Tuesday with Quidditch_Turtle #1 (and probably the last)

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted for months, I was going to post last week, but was too busy with birthday stuff. Anyway, I'm going to write about our family vacation to Arizona over Christmas break last year.

We found out that we were going on Christmas Day, and had three days to pack. We left on December 28th, and boarded a train. It took us two days to get to Flagstaff, AZ. We stayed there for two days, and traveled two days back to our home town. We spent New Year's in a hotel sleeping because we had to get up early to board the train in the morning! Here are some photos:

Here is our seats on the train!

 I'm pretty sure these were taken from my seat of the train in Colorado.

These two were taken from the train when we were in New Mexico.

This one was in Albequerque later that day.

First day in Arizona!

Subway, pueblo style :)

It was fun driving on Route 66 because we were comparing what we actually saw with what was in the movie Cars. We all laughed when we passed a tire shop (AKA Guido and Luigi's)

Another mountainous view from the rental car

This was in a state park that we went to.

Some lava rock formations in the state park

An icy lava rock formation

I just thought this was so cool.

A view of the Painted Desert from a big pebble-hill-thing.

Another view of the Painted Desert from the road

Some Native American ruins that we explored

Another lot of ruins

Day two of our Arizona adventure!

The Grand Canyon

Another amazing view

I cannot believe that these people would put their trust in an animal... a donkey, to be more specific.

Funny-looking rock face

Just another view of the canyon

A little surprise we came across while hiking; gives it character, don't you think?

This is where we hiked down to; we went back up from here.

This  is a little blue bird that kept flying around Ooh Aah Point.

Met this guy at Ooh Aah Point... he stole our pretzels.

Took this picture at a rest stop on the side of the road a few miles from Grand Canyon National Park, which is where we were hiking

This picture, and the next few, were taken at the same rest stop. I had a setting on my camera where it enhances the color of the photo.

You can see the Colorado river in this one

Another rest stop photo

A pretty sunset taken from the train on the way back. I don't remember where this was.

Well, that's what we did in Arizona! I had A TON of fun! Hope you liked the pictures!

Quidditch_Turtle   ^  ^

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