Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dog-lover's Top 5 Super Bowl Commercials

Hi, it is dog-lover and on Sunday, February 1, was Super Bowl 49, and I got to say, this year there wasn't that many good commercials as other years.  But there was some ones that stood out to me.  Remember, this is my opinion, feel free to comment your opinion if you want as long as it is not negative.

Here we go:

5. With Dad
It has "Cat's in the Cradle" in the background, I would show it, but it might be inappropriate in the beginning (first 5 seconds).

4. Doritos Airplane

I thought this one was hilarious, where the guy does not want ANYONE to sit by him until a lady walks up and sees he is holding Doritos.  She comes over...... with a kid.  At first I thought he wouldn't tolerate it.  But then he did I guess, I apologize but this video plays it twice.

Here is the link:
Doritos Commercial

3. Clash of Clans

This is a game that I have not heard so much about, but after seeing this commercial, I thought it was weird but funny.  The link is below:

Clash of Clans 2015 Super Bowl commercial

2. Sprint

While offering to cut the customer's bills in half.  They made this commercial, it made me bust out laughing, at the end they play "Uptown Funk" by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars.

Here it is:
Sprint 2015

1. Budweiser

This was not funny, just really cute!  It follows their same horse and dog plot.  But this is so cute, I hate when the wolf comes up... I said too much, just watch!  This was my favorite of the year.
Budweiser Super Bowl 49 Commercial

That is all, this is dog-lover, signing off.


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